brancusi / coding-challenges

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

iam+ coding challenges

This repository contains various coding challenges for the device management team at iam+.

Your contact person should have told you which of the challenges to look at.

Please make a fork of this repository and do the challenge directly in the folder of that challenge, using a branch called your-name, where your-name is, you guessed it, your name.

For example, if my name is John Black, and I had been told do "Challenge 1" I would fork this repo on Github, then:

$ git clone
$ cd coding-challenges/challenge-1
$ git checkout -b john-black
... work, work, work
$ git commit -am 'Did the challenge!'
$ git push

Then, on Github, I would create a pull request back to the master branch of this repo.

If you have any questions, contact your iam+ contact person.

Good luck!
