bramstroker / homeassistant-powercalc

Custom component to calculate estimated power consumption of lights and other appliances

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

None of my virtual manual fixed sensors are loading anymore

bdormael opened this issue · comments

System Health details

System Information

version core-2024.4.3
installation_type Home Assistant OS
dev false
hassio true
docker true
user root
virtualenv false
python_version 3.12.2
os_name Linux
os_version 6.1.73-haos-raspi
arch aarch64
timezone Europe/Brussels
config_dir /config
Home Assistant Community Store
GitHub API ok
GitHub Content ok
GitHub Web ok
GitHub API Calls Remaining 4910
Installed Version 1.34.0
Stage running
Available Repositories 1404
Downloaded Repositories 52
HACS Data ok
Home Assistant Cloud
logged_in true
subscription_expiration 27 november 2024 om 01:00
relayer_connected true
relayer_region eu-central-1
remote_enabled true
remote_connected true
alexa_enabled false
google_enabled false
certificate_status ready
instance_id 8d76d97a9e614bcb81d58783d9a20264
can_reach_cert_server ok
can_reach_cloud_auth ok
can_reach_cloud ok
Home Assistant Supervisor
host_os Home Assistant OS 12.2
update_channel stable
supervisor_version supervisor-2024.04.0
agent_version 1.6.0
docker_version 25.0.5
disk_total 116.7 GB
disk_used 12.8 GB
healthy true
supported true
board rpi4-64
supervisor_api ok
version_api ok
installed_addons MariaDB (2.7.1), Mosquitto broker (6.4.0), Terminal & SSH (9.13.0), phpMyAdmin (0.9.1), Volvo2Mqtt (1.8.27), Node-RED (17.0.12), Studio Code Server (5.15.0), Z-Wave JS (0.5.0), eufy-security-ws (1.8.0-2), HassOS I2C Configurator (0.14), ArgonOne Active Linear Cooling (30a), Matter Server (5.5.1), Zigbee2MQTT (1.36.1-1), ZigStar TI CC2652P7 FW Flasher (0.2.0), diyHue (2.0.14)
dashboards 4
resources 32
views 12
mode storage
oldest_recorder_run 22 maart 2024 om 11:01
current_recorder_run 21 april 2024 om 08:18
estimated_db_size 1325.42 MiB
database_engine mysql
database_version 10.11.6
Solcast PV Forecast
can_reach_server ok
used_requests 2
rooftop_site_count 2


  • I have read the FAQ to see if there is a known solution to my problem.
  • I have enabled debug logging for my installation.
  • I have filled out the issue template to the best of my ability.
  • This issue only contains 1 issue (if you have multiple issues, open one issue for each issue).
  • This issue is not a duplicate issue of currently previous issues..

Describe the issue

since 21st of April after a restart of home assistant (2024.4.3) my manually added sensors (via yaml or gui) are not loading anymore. I always get an error that powercalc is not able to load at startup

I was using powercalc version 1.12.0.beta-5 , I switched to the master version but same issue

Reproduction steps

  1. Restart home assistant
  2. an error is thrown that powercalc cannot load (see error logs)


Debug logs

Logger: homeassistant.setup
Eerst voorgekomen: 08:19:02 (1 gebeurtenissen)
Laatst gelogd: 08:19:02

Error during setup of component powercalc
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/", line 398, in _async_setup_component
    result = await task
  File "/config/custom_components/powercalc/", line 238, in async_setup
    await discovery_manager.start_discovery()
  File "/config/custom_components/powercalc/", line 123, in start_discovery
    power_profile = await self.get_power_profile(
  File "/config/custom_components/powercalc/", line 144, in get_power_profile
    self.power_profiles[entity_id] = await get_power_profile(
  File "/config/custom_components/powercalc/power_profile/", line 39, in get_power_profile
    library = await ProfileLibrary.factory(hass)
  File "/config/custom_components/powercalc/power_profile/", line 64, in factory
    await library.initialize()
  File "/config/custom_components/powercalc/power_profile/", line 35, in initialize
    await self._loader.initialize()
  File "/config/custom_components/powercalc/power_profile/loader/", line 14, in initialize
    [await loader.initialize() for loader in self.loaders]  # type: ignore[func-returns-value]
  File "/config/custom_components/powercalc/power_profile/loader/", line 31, in initialize
    self.library_contents = await self.load_library_json()
  File "/config/custom_components/powercalc/power_profile/loader/", line 52, in load_library_json
    with open(get_library_json_path()) as f:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/config/custom_components/powercalc/../../profile_library/library.json'

Logger: homeassistant.setup
Eerst voorgekomen: 08:19:02 (8 gebeurtenissen)
Laatst gelogd: 08:19:02

Unable to prepare setup for platform 'powercalc.sensor': Unable to set up component.

Deze fout is ontstaan door een aangepaste integratie.

Logger: custom_components.powercalc.power_profile.loader.remote
Bron: custom_components/powercalc/power_profile/loader/
integratie: Powercalc (documentatie, problemen)
Eerst voorgekomen: 08:19:02 (1 gebeurtenissen)
Laatst gelogd: 08:19:02

Failed to download library.json from github, falling back to local copy

Diagnostics dump or YAML config

example sensor:
- platform: powercalc entity_id: media_player.samsungtv unique_id: samsung_tv_energy fixed: power: 118

You must be using one of the beta version of powercalc, as it seems remote loading logic version is triggered. And this is not in stable release yet.

If so please let me know which beta version you are running on.


I see. I have moved powercalc API's to final location, tried to keep the old endpoint still available, but failed into doing that properly.
I have just release v1.12-beta.6 which should resolve your issues.

I notice there is an issue were all the profiles are downloaded again after each startup.
So your startup times will be a bit delayed everytime.

I'll fix that last issue after F1 race is finished ;-).

Bèta 6 works.
only this one

Platform powercalc does not generate unique IDs. ID Unifi POE_energy is already used by sensor.unifi_poe_verbruik_verbruik - ignoring sensor.unifi_poe_verbruik_verbruik

@gieljnssns That's strange, nothing really changed regarding to the sensor setup routine compared to the other beta versions.

Could you please create a new issue when you still experience this after consequetive restarts?

Btw, regarding the original issue. I have also fixed the old API URL, so older beta versions 1-5 should also work correctly again.

thx for the quick fix, all working again :-)

Got same issue yesterday when I updated to 1.11.8 ...

Update: Solved by updating HA to 2024.4.4