braitsch / ofxDatGui

Simple to use, fully customizable, high-resolution graphical user interface for openFrameworks

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can't work with ofEnableDepthTest()

ryanaltair opened this issue · comments


when use ofEnableDepthTest();
the ofxDatGui can't work well, the font and other shape just disappear;
when ofEnableDepthTest() is not used;
everything goes well;

I try the master branch and dev branch both, same output.

see below the framerate monitor is disappear;
//use ofEnableDepthTest();
ofenabledepthtest within

//not use ofEnableDepthTest();
ofenabledepthtest without

thank you!

Hi @ryanaltair. Try adding ofDisableDepthTest() at the end of your draw() method. That will turn depth test off by the time ofxDatGui begins drawing your components.


it is great! Work now.
Thank you @mattfelsen
Now I closed the issue.