brainiac / MQ2EasyFind

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/travelto northro from southro

Fizzen opened this issue · comments

    -   type: Translocator
        name: Magus Jerira
        keyword: Nedaria's Landing
        targetZone: nedaria
        expansion: Lost Dungeons of Norrath
    -   type: Translocator
        name: Magus Jerira
            -   keyword: Butcherblock
                targetZone: butcher
            -   keyword: Commonlands
                targetZone: commonlands
            -   keyword: Everfrost
                targetZone: everfrost
            -   keyword: North Ro
                targetZone: northro
        expansion: Lost Dungeons of Norrath
        requiredAchievement: 500980300
    -   type: Translocator
        name: '#Translocator Tradil'
        keyword: Travel to Timorous Deep
        targetZone: timorous
    -   type: ZoneConnection
        location: [5375, -2457, 1]
        targetZone: northro