bradtraversy / mern-tutorial

Goalsetter application from Youtube series

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

node_modules and polyfill

LarryYoung8947 opened this issue · comments

This is the first time I've ever reached out like this but I've been getting a lot of polyfill errors with webpack 5 and I haven't been able to successfully fix it with the polyfill plugin. I also tried implementing react-app-rewired. Anyone have any ideas. I'm looking through my code now for typos and errors but I have been coding along with the tutorial. It seems to have happened after handling the spinner component.

Wanted to leave a comment. I resolved the error by fixing a statement in a try catch function in authSlice.js when a user is registered. I was attempting to access the error object and get the response and accidentally typed response and visual studio code automatically imported response from the express library into my authSlice file. HaHa

However, i have experienced some polyfill issues along the way with other applications