bradleythughes / blackbox

Blackbox - an X11 Window manager

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Question: Blackbox Development Alive Again?

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I can't believe my eyes, I see commits only 8 months ago, does this mean Blackbox is making a come back? Ohh how I hope so!

I really want to see Blackbox working properly with tint2, are you aware it's back in active development?

One thing that would be really great to at least do, is update EWMH, and also make Blackbox ICCCM compliant.

To get people excited, take a look at my attached screen shot.

Blackbox for the 21st Century!

Slackware 14.1 x86_64 multilib
conky 1.10.1
compton - composite manager (You can see the shadow behind the menu from compton)
tint2 panel

From left to right on the left side for the tint2 launcher; SpaceFM, OpenVPN, KeepassX, Bleachbit, then, redshift-gtk & wicd running in the system tray, with the date and time.


I'm glad to see this moved to github! I admit I don't use it right now but I have colleagues that do. I re-wrote the man files for 0.65 when Sean (?15 years ago?) was running the project.

Brad, you really hit the mark with this project and I used it for years, Thanks!!!

There's actually a really good fork with a lot up changes/updates...

If Bradley is done with this, I hope the maintainer of the fork is going to keep that going.

Oh how I wish Blackbox was still in development.

Openbox hasn't seen development for 2 years, maybe it's soon to go to the dust bin too.

What small Box like WM do we really have still active in Linux? Flux, pffff 👎

We need Blackbox back! 👍

Making it Standards Compliant, and using tint2, icon support in the menus, etc...

That screen shot above looks nice. 👍