bradjasper / ImportJSON

Import JSON into Google Sheets, this library adds various ImportJSON functions to your spreadsheet

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I can't get pagination to work with Asana

stadler72 opened this issue · comments

I'm using ImportJSON to get task data from Asana. Basically, I want all tasks to import into my sheet so I can do a pivot table from there. Until I do that, the results will be limited to the 100-results limit. So I need to add the call for the second set.

How I think it should work: Asana gives me my first 100 results and then gives me an "offset" variable value I would then plug in and get my second page of data.

The problem is that I don't see that offset value Asana claims to be returning.

And because the documentation specifies that no offset value will be returned if all of the records fit within the 100-record limit, I constrained the initial call to 20 (since I know I have at least 100) to see if that was the problem. But even with 20, I don't see the offset from Asana.

I'm wondering if I'm doing it wrong.

Documentation from Asana is here:

API call I'm using:
=importjson("{access_token}&assignee.any={assignee gid}&due_on.before=2021-05-05&completed=false&opt_fields=due_on,")

Just figured it out. Pagination isn't supported with task/search.