bradjasper / ImportJSON

Import JSON into Google Sheets, this library adds various ImportJSON functions to your spreadsheet

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Returning no reference, might be error with JSON parsing?

karmayoga-online opened this issue · comments

Hi there, I'm trying to use this and it's returning errors. I made a separate .gs file and used URLFetchApp to pull in JSON data successfully using basic auth, but the same process did not work here. I couldn't find the error in the code exactly.

Error message says: "exceeded maximum execution time (line 0)"


When I reduced the query parameter to less data, one day vs. one month, after saying "Loading ...", I received this error below saying "Reference does not exist."


Fixed! I mistook query for the "?month=2021-04" parameter, this fixed it below:

=ImportJSONBasicAuth("", USER_ID,API_KEY, "", "noInherit, noTruncate, rawHeaders")