bpmn-io / bpmn-js-color-picker

A simple color picker for your BPMN elements.

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eventBus.on is not a function

Kelly0721 opened this issue · comments

when I run the example of bpmn-js-in-color, it can work successfuly.But when I try to import the color moduler into my project, it always appear this error

when I run the example of bpmn-js-in-color, it can work successfuly.But when I try to import the color moduler into my project, it always appear this error

I meet the same problem, how did you solved it, thank you.

The same error for me. I have a workaround in case you have not resolved yet.

The same error for me. I have a workaround in case you have not resolved yet.

No, I haven't. please tell me how to solve it?

I did the following modifications:

node_modules/bpmn-js-in-color/colors/ColorRenderer.js (line 14): (this is why 'eventBus.on is not a function')

  // BpmnRenderer.call(this, eventBus, styles, pathMap, canvas);
  BpmnRenderer.call(this, config, eventBus, styles, pathMap, canvas, textRenderer, callPriority);

After this change I got other errors related to popup menu and color setting, so:

node_modules/bpmn-js-in-color/colors/ColorContextPadProvider.js (line 36):

  // var colorPicker = self._popupMenu.create('color-picker', element);

node_modules/bpmn-js-in-color/colors/ColorContextPadProvider.js (line 48):

    // colorPicker.open(opts, element);
    self._popupMenu.open(element, 'color-picker', opts);

node_modules/bpmn-js-in-color/colors/ColorPopupProvider.js (line 90):

    // modeling.updateProperties(element, {
    //   di: {
    //     'xmlns:color': ns,
    //     'color:background-color': newColor
    //   }
    // });
    modeling.setColor(element, {
      fill: newColor