bperez77 / xilinx_axidma

A zero-copy Linux driver and a userspace interface library for Xilinx's AXI DMA and VDMA IP blocks. These serve as bridges for communication between the processing system and FPGA programmable logic fabric, through one of the DMA ports on the Zynq processing system. Distributed under the MIT License.

Repository from Github https://github.combperez77/xilinx_axidmaRepository from Github https://github.combperez77/xilinx_axidma


13419195141 opened this issue · comments


  1. Checkout whether your module is enabled in the petalinux rootfs config menu
  2. Make sure that you've properly modified the Makefile of the module

If everything goes well, the output file will locate at ./build/tmp/sysroots-components/plnx_zynq7/axidma/lib/modules/4.19.0-xilinx-v2019.2/extra/axidma.ko after compilation. Here I'm using petalinux 2019.2, the path may differ as you may have a different version of petalinux.