bozaro / change-stream-test

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Unexpected null fullDocument for update change stream event

On investigation flaky test in our codebase I found strange issue: sometimes I got change stream update event with empty fullDocument field for existing document.

I reproduced this behaviour by looping with same collection:

  • drop collection;
  • shard collection;
  • open change stream;
  • run background thread which add ~2000 records and then update ~100 records;
  • read change stream and check then update event has non-empty fullDocument.

Environment details:

  • one shard from single-node replicaset;
  • single-node configuration replicaset;
  • 3 mongos.

On my computer, a spike of errors occurs in the first 10-30 iterations. Then the probability of errors greatly decreases.

I wrote a simple program with Golang for reproducing this issue (main.go). This program uses v1.3.4 for MongoDB access but originally this issue was reproduced with fork.

How to reproduce locally

For reproducing you can simply run ./ in this repository on Linux host (you need only docker and internet connection).

It show on every update event without fullDocument for existing document log line like:

time="2020-06-29T12:09:52Z" level=error msg="Found update without fullDocument: {\"_id\": {\"_data\": \"825EF9DA10000010942B022C0100296E5A1004AA912A6620E34D39AD16C7B19795AEE9461E5F6964002C012C0004\"},\"operationType\": \"update\",\"clusterTime\": {\"$timestamp\":{\"t\":\"1593432592\",\"i\":\"4244\"}},\"ns\": {\"db\": \"test\",\"coll\": \"example1593432590\"},\"documentKey\": {\"_id\": {\"$numberInt\":\"150\"}},\"updateDescription\": {\"updatedFields\": {\"d\": \"2020-06-29 12:09:52.649857545 +0000 UTC m=+2.097620388\",\"k\": {\"$numberInt\":\"1287\"},\"u600\": {\"$numberLong\":\"10151\"}},\"removedFields\": []},\"fullDocument\": null}"

Also it show total broken events after every iteration like:

time="2020-06-29T12:09:52Z" level=info msg="Test pass [test.example1593432590]: 7"
time="2020-06-29T12:09:52Z" level=info msg="  drop collection..."
time="2020-06-29T12:09:53Z" level=info msg="  begin change stream listen..."
time="2020-06-29T12:09:53Z" level=info msg="  run data modifier (end marker: ObjectID(\"5ef9da119d8a55a51f3392d0\"))"
time="2020-06-29T12:09:53Z" level=info msg="  test passed, total errors: 200"



Language:Go 66.0%Language:Shell 20.9%Language:Dockerfile 13.1%