boz / kail

kubernetes log viewer

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

missing example of ignore

MushiTheMoshi opened this issue · comments

Hi there,

First of all, thanks for all the work done here, very handy tool, really like it, using it all the time.

Can you please provide an example on how to use ignore, I want to ignore certain pods and could not find a way on how to do it.

Thanks in advanced,


use can use 2 ways

with --ignore-ns (ignoring namespace)
this is useful when you have deployments with same name in multiple namespaces

kail --context=c1 -d nec --ignore-ns=n1 --since=1h

with --ignore (ignoring deployment from namespace)
this is useful when you have multiple deployments in same namespace, and tailing all logs from name space except few deployments

kail --context=c1 -n n1 --ignore=app=a1 --ignore=app=b1 --since=1h

this applies for all other types of workloads too