boyney123 / songs-api

API for songs using Express & Mongo

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Songs-API 🎵

NodeJS API built with express & mongodb to handle songs 🎵🎵

Getting Started

git clone

Running the application

There are two ways to get the application running.

  • Locally (outside of docker)
  • Using Docker


If you would like to run this locally (outside Docker) then you need to:

  1. Make sure you have mongo running on your machine.
  2. Rename .env-example to .env
  3. npm install && npm start

If you would like to populate the database run:

npm run populate-database

Using Docker

docker-compose up -d

This should run the API and mongo within a docker environment

If you want to populate the database run:

docker-compose exec songs-api npm run populate-database

Running tests

If you want to run the tests locally you will need mongo running on your machine.

npm test




Returns an array of data for songs. Requires limit and page query string parameters.

Query String values:

  • limit: Number - The number of songs to return
  • page: Number - The page to return


http://localhost:3000/songs?page=1&limit=2 will return 2 songs for the first page. http://localhost:3000/songs?page=2&limit=2 will return the next 2 songs on page 2 and so on...


All the mp3 files are served statically. You can download the mp3 files using the /download API.


Returns the mp3 file.

Example: http://localhost:3000/download/Decision.mp3

All the mp3s that can be downloaded are in the public/songs directory.

Suggestions for improvement 🤔

  • Better formatting on the logs
  • Possibly adding tests for mongoose models, but they are tested within the routes?
  • Production configuration files if going into production in the future
  • To get Mongo and Node working with docker-compose I had to use file. (Which is recommended). Given more time I wonder if this could be replaced with something better?
  • Maybe cache the results rather than going to Mongo all the time? For this POC and small API its fine.
  • Adding auth to Mongo


API for songs using Express & Mongo


Language:JavaScript 63.5%Language:Shell 34.0%Language:Dockerfile 2.5%