boygao1992 / purescript-typelevel-arithmetic

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Type-level Arithmetic


  • class IsDigit (d :: Symbol)
    • type class constraint for Symbol encoding of type-level digits
    • d \in [0-9]
  • class IsDigitPred (d :: Symbol) (b :: Bool.Boolean) | d -> b
    • type-level predicate for IsDigit
  • class Compare (x :: Symbol) (y :: Symbol) (o :: Ord.Ordering) | x y -> o
    • comparison of two Digits
    • can be treated as a type-level instance of compare under Ord type class
      • instance ordDigit :: Ord Digit where compare :: Digit -> Digit -> Ordering
  • class Add (x :: Symbol) (y :: Symbol) (carry :: Symbol) (z :: Symbol) | x y -> carry z
    • addition of two Digits
      • x, y, z \in [0-9]
      • carry \in {0, 1}
    • one dependency of class Nat.Add and class Int.Add
    • can be treated as a type-level instance of add under Semiring type class, if without carrying digit
      • instance semiringDigit :: Semiring Digit where add :: Digit -> Digit -> Digit
  • class Minus (x :: Symbol) (y :: Symbol) (carry :: Symbol) (z :: Symbol) | x y -> carry z
    • subtraction of two Digits
      • x, y, z \in [0-9]
      • carry \in {0, 1}
        • 1 denotes -1 for simplicity
    • one dependency of class Int.Minus
    • can be treated as a type-level instance of sub under Ring type class, if without carrying digit


  • class IsNat (n :: Symbol)
    • type class constraint for Symbol encoding of type-level natural numbers
  • class IsNatPred (n :: Symbol) (b :: Bool.Boolean) | n -> b
    • type-level predicate for IsNat
  • class Add (x :: Symbol) (y :: Symbol) (z :: Symbol) | x y -> z
    • addition of two Nats
  • class Succ (pred :: Symbol) (succ :: Symbol) | pred -> succ
    • successor operator for Nat


  • class IsSign (sign :: Symbol)
    • type class constraint for Symbol encoding of signs of numbers
    • sign \in {"+", "-"}
  • class IsSignPred (sign :: Symbol) (b :: Bool.Boolean) | sign -> b
    • type-level predicate for IsSign
  • class HasSignPred (num :: Symbol) (b :: Bool.Boolean) | num -> b
    • type-level predicate to check whether a type-level integer has sign
    • assumption: num :: Symbol is under class IsInt
  • class IsInt (num :: Symbol)
    • type class constraint for Symbol encoding of integers
  • class IsIntPred (num :: Symbol) (b :: Bool.Boolean) | num -> b
    • type-level predicate for IsInt
  • class IsNegativePred (num :: Symbol) (b :: Bool.Boolean) | num -> b
    • type-level predicate to check whether a type-level integer is negative
    • assumption: num :: Symbol is under class IsInt
    • preprocessed by class Normalize, so -0 is not mapped to negative
  • class Inverse (x :: Symbol) (inv :: Symbol) | x -> inv
    • addictive inverse of Int
  • class Compare (x :: Symbol) (y :: Symbol) (o :: Ord.Ordering) | x y -> o
    • comparison of two Ints
  • class Add (x :: Symbol) (y :: Symbol) (z :: Symbol) | x y -> z
    • addition of two Ints
  • class Minus (x :: Symbol) (y :: Symbol) (z :: Symbol) | x y -> z
    • subtraction of two Ints
  • class Normalize (i :: Symbol) (o :: Symbol) | i -> o
    • normalization step for Symbol encoding of type-level integers
      1. remove positive sign (+)
      • e.g. +123 -> 123
      1. remove prefixing zeros
      • e.g. -0000 -> -0
      1. remove negative sign of zero if exists
      • e.g. -0 -> 0
  • class Pred (num :: Symbol) (pred :: Symbol) | num -> pred
    • predecessor operator for Int



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