box / box-windows-sdk-v2

Windows SDK for v2 of the Box API. The SDK is built upon .NET Framework 4.5

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Can I use this sdk in unity. I am not able to get get access token using jwtauth.

Suman-298 opened this issue · comments


Description of the Issue

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Go to '...'
  2. Click on '....'
  3. Scroll down to '....'
  4. See error

Expected Behavior

Error Message, Including Stack Trace


Versions Used

.Net SDK:

Hello @Suman-298, thanks for posting the issue! We're looking into it

Thanks @Suman-298 for submitting this issue, I will try to help with it.

But first, I have some questions:

  1. Can you show me your code, which you use to get access token?
  2. What exactly has happened, that you can not get access token? Is this because of exception during getting token? Can you show me this error/exception?
  3. Have you read this doc page with using JWT?

Maybe this would help.


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