bower / bower

A package manager for the web


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Registering bower package names is not supported anymore

jalbam opened this issue · comments


I am trying to register a new Bower package. Once it asks this:

Registering a package will make it installable via the registry (, continue?

I agree answering "Y", but I get the following error just after a few seconds:

EUNKNOWN Unknown error: 500 - Registering bower package names is not supported anymore. You can install any bower package on github with command like "bower install jquery/jquery-dist --save"

Was the register support really dropped or it is an issue?

Thank you very much in advance!


Yes it was dropped

Thank you for your fast reply! As I could not find the error anywhere and the official web site still talks about registering packages, I was wondering whether it was due to the big size of the package or not...

Good point, we'll update website docs. Thank you!

Thanks to you! Best regards

Docs are now updated