bowenisdum / apex-diff


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

APEX Diff (Alpha)

The purpose of this project is to create a export of an APEX application in JSON format. Having the application export in JSON format will allow for easy diffs on different versions of an application

This project is still undergoing active development. As such, configuration and command line options may change.



This projects requires that SQLcl (Oct 13, 2015 or above) is installed. It is used for its ability to quickly output queries in JSON format and cursor support.

Mac users can find additional information on how to install and configre SQLcl here.

To find the current version of SQLcl, simply run SQLcl and it will be displayed. Minimum required version is SQLcl: Release RC.


Node.js version 0.12.x or greater is required. To find your current version run:

node --version



Either download this project from GitHub or clone it using git: git clone

Note: This project may eventually be listed on npm for easy install.


Create a new (or copy config_sample.json) config file in the config folder called config.json.

  • debug: optional, boolean, default false.
    • If true will output each step of the process.
  • rebuildTempFile : optional, boolean, default true.
    • If true, the temp sql file will be re-generated. Unless upgrading APEX, it is not recommended to set this to true as it takes additional time to generate the temp sql file.
  • sqlcl : optional, string, default sql.
    • Command name (or full path to) SQLcl file.
  • filters : optional, array of regular expressions to remove objects from JSON file
    • The filter will be applied on both the apex_view_name and the apex_view_name.column_name.
    • Filters will be applied for all connections.
    • It is case insensitive.
    • Any \ needs to be escaped with \\ as the regular expression must also be a valid JSON string.
  • filterGroups : optional, JSON object, defining set of filterGroups.
    • Define a set of filters that can then be easily applied to specific connections
    • Each entry is a name/value pair.
    • Value is an array of filters that correspond to the filterGroup
  • connections : required, JSON object.
    • Name/value pair for each database connection or connection object
    • Connection Object: Use this for specific connection information for a connection
      • connectionDetails: required, database connection
      • filters: optional, array of filters (see filters above)
      • filterGroups: optional, array of list of filterGroups to apply


  "sqlcl" : "sqlcl",
  "connections" : {
    "dev" : {
      "connectionDetails" : "giffy/giffy@localhost:11521/xe",
      "filters" : ["apex_application_pages"],
      "filterGroups" : ["updateInfo"]
    "prod" : "oos/"
  "filters" : ["apex_application_lists"],
  "filterGroups" : {
    "updateInfo" : [".+\\..+_updated_.*"]

Example Explanation:

  • filters: For all connections data for apex_application_lists will be removed.
  • connections: They're two connections, dev and prod,
    • dev:
      • filters: Just for this connection, all entries for apex_application_pages will be removed.
      • filterGroups: Any filters defined in the filterGroup updateInfo will be applied. In this example, all column names that contain _updated_ will be removed.
  • filterGroups: A filterGroup called updateInfo has been created and can be applied to individual connections.

Filter Examples

The following list is an example of filters that you can either add to a filters option or a filterGroup. Note: the filters are already escaped for JSON use. If testing in a regexp tester ensure to unescape.

All entries tagged with a * are recommended default filters.

| Filter | Description ------------- | ------------- | -------------

  • | ^(.(?!page_id$))*_id$ | Exclude all id columns except for page_id
  • | .+\\..+_updated_.* | All columns that contain the name _updated_
  • | .+\\.(items|buttons|display_sequence) | Exclude all columns with .. | apex_application_templates.reference_count | Self Explanatory | apex_application_auth | All entries for the apex_application_auth view


The Node.js application requires two parameters:

  • connection name: This is the name that is found in the connections object in config.json.
  • app_id: Application ID to generate the JSON for.

Using the example configuration file above, the following example shows how to call the application:

# Can call from any directory that you want f113.json in.
node ~/Documents/GitHub/apex-diff/app.js dev 113

This will generate a prettified JSON file: f113.json.


To help with future development, the following configuration can be added to config.json:

  • dev
    • runSql: boolean - If false, will skip over the SQL command. This is useful for testing JSON parsing.
    • saveJson: boolean - If false, will not save any changes to the JSON file.


"dev" : {
  "runSql" : false,
  "saveJson" : true

Known Issues

ORA-00600 Error

If you get an ORA-00600 error, it is a known bug that was fixed in Oracle but re-appeared in

ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [qkeIsExprReferenced1], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
00600. 00000 -  "internal error code, arguments: [%s], [%s], [%s], [%s], [%s], [%s], [%s], [%s], [%s], [%s], [%s], [%s]"
*Cause:    This is the generic internal error number for Oracle program
           exceptions. It indicates that a process has encountered a low-level,
           unexpected condition. The first argument is the internal message
           number. This argument and the database version number are critical in
           identifying the root cause and the potential impact to your system.

If you get it, you my need to add the following to apex-diff.sql:

alter system set "_projection_pushdown" = false scope=memory;


If you're having issues the following are common problems that people have:

  • Make sure that your version of Node.js is up to date



License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%