boundary / folsom

Expose Erlang Events and Metrics

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bear is not listed in .app.src dependencies

arjan opened this issue · comments

Therefore, running folsom from an Erlang release results in an error because bear is not packaged.

I did not run into this issue when I recently did an Erlang Release on folsom_webmachine (not folsom itself) successfully. Just to clairfy, are you making an OTP release for folsom? If you are below is what I did.

Since folsom_webamchine includes folsom and all its deps, I bet it is similar
For my case, I need to add bear (any other libraries crypto?)
{app, bear, [{incl_cond, include}]},
to reltool.config in the rel directory <------
before rebar generate

rebar supposed to figure this all out, but it has not been extremely consistent for me.

Hope this helps.

I am using relx for packaging. Relx figures the dependency graph out 'automagically' by recursively looking at the .app files, requiring (ideally) no reltool config or other configuration files. And I noticed it didn't pick up bear until I added it to the .app.src.

I had to do the same; it's worth pointing out that if you're using folsomite, that forgets to mention protobuffs.

With bear as an app dependency (and bear not being an application) how are all of you running the eunit tests and etc and succeeding?

1> folsom:start().

Fixed in #86