bottlerocket-os / bottlerocket-ecs-updater

A service to automatically manage Bottlerocket updates in an Amazon ECS cluster.

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Implement managed package refactor

WilboMo opened this issue · comments

Instead you could create a new type Instance, i think which I suggested somewhere else and maintain a list of this type whose items gets modified/deleted/added throught the update process.

What data would be held in type called Instance? Would it be a tuple of (instanceID, containerInstanceARN)?

Taking a named struct (see above) might have helped here as well.

I think you're on the right track - I'd want to take it further than the Instance type thought.

The behavior in this main function looks like it could be collected into a management type.. or even just a package with a "main" type fed into most of its functions:

package managed // import path: updater/managed

type ClusterInstances struct {
  // ...

func (ci *ClusterInstances) Instances() []Instance {
  // ...

// CollectCluster retrieves a set of cluster instances to manage in the named ECS cluster.
func CollectCluster(ecsiface.ECS, clusterName string) (*managed.ClusterInstances, error) {
  // list instances and collect cluster instances that should be managed
  // ...

type Instance interface {
  Cluster() string
  ContainerInstanceARN() string
  InstanceID() string
  // ...

func Drain(ecsiface.ECS, instances []Instance) error {
  for _, inst := range instances {
    // build request
  // send drain request
Me, carried away..

With such a package, main can look like (with some filling in where needed):

func _main() error {
  // build clients
  mci, err := managed.CollectCluster(ecsclient, *flagCluster)
  if err != nil {
    // ...
  // filter set of instances as necessary or just do all of them.. for example:
  err = managed.Drain(ecsclient, mci.Instances()) 
  if err != // ...

  // more fictional types, just to get carried away.
  ssmcommander.Run(ssmclient, mci.Instances(),
      Command: "update check",
  // ... and on ...

Originally posted by @jahkeup in #35 (comment)