botherder / kraken

Cross-platform Yara scanner written in Go

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Server installation instructions lack details of how to create DB

hw8665 opened this issue · comments

It might be obvious to an experienced Django dev but I can't work out how to properly populate the database for the server component.

I created a kraken database in MySQL and the user + password to go with it (and updated the relevant parts of .env accordingly) so ' dbshell' works to connect correctly. I ran ' migrate' and ' createsuperuser' so I can log into the admin web UI but the DB lacks the hosts, detections, downloads or heartbeat tables so the hosts, detections and api end-points don't work

Would it be possible to add to the Web Interface instructions a HOWTO on creating the DB tables correctly?


That bit of documentation is lacking, true.
This should work:

$ python3 makemigrations autoruns detections downloads hosts
$ python3 migrate

That of course requires that you have properly set up the .env file with the database configuration.