bosskmk / pluto_grid

PlutoGrid is a dataGrid for flutter that can be controlled by the keyboard on desktop and web. Of course, it works well on Android and IOS.

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The horizontal line is disappeared when web render is html

stoneLee81 opened this issue · comments

web render is html, the horizontal line is disappeared

web render is canvaskit, the h-line is okey

code is
`import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:pluto_grid/pluto_grid.dart';

class ColumnFreezingScreen extends StatefulWidget {
static const routeName = 'feature/column-freezing';

const ColumnFreezingScreen({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

_ColumnFreezingScreenState createState() => _ColumnFreezingScreenState();

class _ColumnFreezingScreenState extends State {
final List columns = [];

final List rows = [];

void initState() {

List _rcells() {
List _list = List.empty(growable: true);

for(int i=1;i<10;i++) {
_list.add(PlutoRow(cells: {
'customer_name': PlutoCell(value: ''),
'customer_mobileno': PlutoCell(value: ''),
'license_plate': PlutoCell(value: ''),
'assign_to': PlutoCell(value: ''),
'car_mode': PlutoCell(value: ''),
'customer_grade': PlutoCell(value: ""),
'customer_source_from':PlutoCell(value: ""),
'followup_time':PlutoCell(value: ''),
'previous_followup':PlutoCell(value: ''),
'next_followup':PlutoCell(value: ''),
'leave_date_day':PlutoCell(value: ""),
'leave_date':PlutoCell(value: ''),
'number_of_comsume':PlutoCell(value: ''),
'operslog':PlutoCell(value: ''),
'dep':PlutoCell(value: ''),
'create_date':PlutoCell(value: ''),

return _list;


List _hcells() {
List _list = List.empty(growable: true);

_list.add(PlutoColumn(title: 'customer_name', field: 'customer_name', width:130, type:PlutoColumnType.text(), frozen: PlutoColumnFrozen.start));
_list.add(PlutoColumn(title: 'customer_mobileno', field: 'customer_mobileno', type:PlutoColumnType.text(),width:130));
_list.add(PlutoColumn(title: 'license_plate', field: 'license_plate', type:PlutoColumnType.text(),));
_list.add(PlutoColumn(title: 'assign_to', field: 'assign_to', width: 100, type:PlutoColumnType.text(),));
_list.add(PlutoColumn(title: 'car_mode', field: 'car_mode', type:PlutoColumnType.text(),));
_list.add(PlutoColumn(title: 'customer_grade', field: 'customer_grade', width: 120, type:PlutoColumnType.text(),));
_list.add(PlutoColumn(title: 'customer_source_from', field: 'customer_source_from', width:120, type:PlutoColumnType.text(),));
_list.add(PlutoColumn(title: 'followup_time', field: 'followup_time', type: PlutoColumnType.text(), width:320, enableSorting: true,enableContextMenu: false, enableDropToResize: false)); 
_list.add(PlutoColumn(title: 'previous_followup', field: 'previous_followup',,, type: 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm'), width:160));
_list.add(PlutoColumn(title: 'next_followup', field: 'next_followup',,, type: 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm'), width:160));

_list.add(PlutoColumn(title: 'leave_date_day', field: 'leave_date_day',type:PlutoColumnType.text(), textAlign:PlutoColumnTextAlign.right, titleTextAlign:PlutoColumnTextAlign.right, width:100));
_list.add(PlutoColumn(title: 'leave_date', field: 'leave_date', type:PlutoColumnType.text(),,, width:160));
_list.add(PlutoColumn(title: 'number_of_comsume', field: 'number_of_comsume', type:PlutoColumnType.text(),textAlign:PlutoColumnTextAlign.right, titleTextAlign:PlutoColumnTextAlign.right, width:100));
_list.add(PlutoColumn(title: 'operslog', field: 'operslog', type:PlutoColumnType.text(),width: 180));
_list.add(PlutoColumn(title: 'dep', field: 'dep', width: 120, type:PlutoColumnType.text(),enableSorting: true));
_list.add(PlutoColumn(title: 'create_date', field: 'create_date', width: 120,type:PlutoColumnType.text(), enableSorting:true,));

return _list;


Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Material(child:Scaffold(body: LayoutBuilder(builder: (context, constraint) {
return Container(margin: const EdgeInsets.only(top:8), constraints: BoxConstraints(maxHeight: 1000), child: PlutoGrid(
columns: columns,
rows: rows,
onChanged: (PlutoGridOnChangedEvent event) {
onLoaded: (PlutoGridOnLoadedEvent event) {

@bosskmk can you please try and see it's a bug to fix?

This issue is stale because it has been open for 30 days with no activity.

There is an error where horizontal lines are not rendered when in html rendering mode on the current web.
I'll see if I can fix this.

I figured out how to solve the problem.
I will update to the next version.
thank you

Fixed in Flutter version 3.4.0-28.0.pre.122.

I upgraded to latest 3.4.0-17.2.pre version, the problem still exists. @bosskmk

Does the problem occur when running in web html rendering mode after changing to flutter channel master ?
Not 3.4.0-17.2.pre version
It's 3.4.0-28.0.pre.122

@stoneLee81 Does the problem occur when running in web html rendering mode after changing to flutter channel master ? Not 3.4.0-17.2.pre version It's 3.4.0-28.0.pre.122

okay, wait for beta version, i will test it.