borysn / spring-boot-angular2

spring boot backend, angular2 frontend with webpack, typescript, sass, bootstrap4, karma, jasmine

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Query: How to stop that server which is running in port 8080 with the help of Gradle or any other option?

siva2sachin opened this issue · comments

After initiating Gradle bootrun, the server is started and able to see the results in localhost. But I'm not able to stop the server which is running in prot 8080. Could you please help me in this.

@siva2sachin that's strange, you should have had to start the server from a console, in which case you could do something like <ctrl> + d in order to end the current running thread. If for some reason you no longer have access to the console which started the server...on a linux box, you could execute ps aux | grep java, and kill any running threads. On windows you could use your task manager to locate and end the server. A good restart I'm sure will get it done as well. Does that solve your issue?

If not, I could try to assist you better if you let me know more about your dev environment, and how you started the server.

@siva2sachin it should also be noted that the angular2 js code will continue to run (as long as you still have the page loaded), even if the backend java server is stopped. This would lead to not being able to see the json message when navigating to http://localhost:8080/#/hello, but if you exit the window and try to return, you will see an appropriate ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED message.

Thanks for you help!!. I resolved that issue with STS tool. I have a problem with bootstrap css. when I add below code to html, it's displaying as simple text instead of bootstrapped css in the outpage.

Level 1 column
Level 2
Level 2


Level 1 column
Level 2
Level 2

Do i need to add anything more for bootstrap stuff?

@siva2sachin I did not package bootstrap with the starter kit, you will have to add the dependencies yourself. There are so many different front-end libraries, it makes sense to add those when you need them. Here's a general guide for adding front-end dependencies.

  1. update src/main/package.json
    • add necessary bootstrap dependencies
  2. update src/main/gulpfile.js
    • add entry to copy dependencies to static
  3. update src/main/index.html
    • add links to external css/js

Thanks. I included and it works fine.

I'm trying to connect to Informix JDBC. I have added the dependency(org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-jdbc) to build.gradle file and trying to build it again. When I do "gradle clean build", I'm getting bellow error messages. Can you please correct me what i'm doing wrong here.



Can you please help me how to setup informix JDBC connection from this Spring framework?

Advance Thanks for your help and effort!!

@siva2sachin adding a jdbc connection is a little out of scope here for me. I recommend following a mkyong tutorial, or searching around for something which suites your needs. Feel free to take a look at another spring project I have going as well. RVEP and the wiki-entry

@siva2sachin if you no longer have issues regarding the original query, I would like to go ahead and close up this ticket.

Thanks for your help. I will take a look on that.

Sure :) please close this query as the original issue got resolved for me.