borkdude / jet

CLI to transform between JSON, EDN, YAML and Transit using Clojure

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

What do you think of a config file?

dotemacs opened this issue · comments

How do you feel about jet having a config file where certain default options/preferences can be specified?

What's the benefit?

For example input and out formats by default are EDN. But what if you happen to work with JSON more as the default input format, could there be a way to specify that the default format should be JSON?
One way I figured that this could be implemented is by having a config file where you could specify the default input format.

It could be something like ~/.jet.edn the config could look like:

{:from :json
 :to :json}

So that instead of typing:

echo "some JSON payload" | jet -i json -f "#(foo bar %)" -t json

it could be typed as:

echo "some JSON payload" | jet -f "#(foo bar %)"

Where the :from & :to options would be read from ~/.jet.edn.

Could be useful eventually, but I would like to wait for some more feedback/upvotes on this one. If people would like to change the defaults they could also make a bash alias:

alias jetj='jet -i json -o json' 

Could be useful eventually, but I would like to wait for some more feedback/upvotes on this one.

That's fair.

If people would like to change the defaults they could also make a bash alias:

alias jetj='jet -i json -o json' 

I guess that :from & :to are very short options and I get that shell aliases suffice for that example.

Let's see how do others feel about this.
