boozallen / argo

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Can't display graphs

Chacsam opened this issue · comments


When looking at OAT effects, following error:

[Excel 16x86;CLR 4.0.30319.42000] System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: Exception de HRESULT : 0x800A03EC

à Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel._Worksheet.get_Range(Object Cell1, Object Cell2)
à ArgoXllDev.OatSensitivityAnalysis.createReport(List`1 outputs, Double basecase)
à ArgoXllDev.OatSensitivityAnalysis.RunOFATSensitivitySimulation()
à ArgoXllDev.OatForm.btnOK_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)

Hi, thanks for reporting your issue. I'm unable to replicate this error when generating OAT charts. Do you have a file you can share? Or can you give me a few more details about the steps you took which produced this error?


Thanks for sending your file. However, I still didn't get your error on my computer. I assume from the error message that you are using a non-English version of Excel? Our development team has never tested Argo on a non-English Excel installation. Unfortunately, we don't think Argo is compatible with other languages. I also think that the comma decimal separators are probably responsible for this particular error because they will affect how Argo parses Excel formulas. We may expand Argo's languages compatibility in the future but for now Argo is not compatible with non-English installations of Excel.


Thanks for feedback.
My Excel is in English, but the locale is European (BE), thereby the comma separator.
Unless it adds any value to you, I won't reconfigure my Windows to US to see if that works, we'll assume that's the reason.
Thanks for the nice app anyway, take care