bootphon / phonemizer

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maybe wrong IPA symbol for a German word "aneinander"

XuesongYang opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
there is /1/ appearing in the phonetic transcription.

$ echo "aneinander" | phonemize -l de -b espeak --with-stress

Phonemizer version

$ phonemize --version
available backends: espeak-ng-1.50, espeak-mbrola, festival-2.5.0, segments-2.2.1

Your OS (Linux distribution, Windows, ...), eventually Python version.

To reproduce
A short example (Python script or command) reproducing the bug.

Expected behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.


This is related to espeak, not phonemizer. Here its output compared to the one of espeak-ng-1.50:

$ echo "aneinander" | phonemize -l de -b espeak --with-stress
$ echo "aneinander" | espeak-ng -qx --ipa -v de

So we have a strict equivalence. If you think this is a bug please forward it to the espeak-ng repo.