bootiful-asciidoctor / bootiful-asciidoctor

Supports the easy and robust publication of technical books with Asciidoctor

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support publishing output to a `.docx` file, and support templated word docs, too, preloaded with configured styles

joshlong opened this issue · comments

it should be possible to get a word document out of the process. indeed, it should be possible to get a word document that in turn has some templated styles already in place. this way the resulting document looks like it should automatically. imagine a book publisher's pipeline, for example. so heres a Makefile that Java legends Joseph Ottinger and Andrew Lombardi shared.

SOURCEDOC=$(wildcard ./*.adoc)

publish: clean $(HTMLFILES)
	mkdir -p output/images
	-cp images/* output/images

doc: publish $(DOCXFILES)

	brew install graphviz plantuml
	# presumes localized ruby
	gem install asciidoctor-diagram


.PHONY: clean publish doc .install

	rm -rf output

output/%.html: %.adoc
	asciidoctor -r asciidoctor-diagram -d book -a toc $< -D output

# TODO fix to use the admonitions lua script and the reference doc
output/%.adoc.docx: %.adoc
	asciidoctor -r asciidoctor-diagram -d book --backend docbook --out-file  - $< | \
	pandoc -r docbook -t docx -o output/$<.docx --reference-doc custom-reference.docx --lua-filter lua/admonitions.lua

and this in turn uses a lua script which is

-- Edit this with labels and attributes for admonition div classes
local cls_data = {
  note = {
    label = 'Note',
    label_attrs = {
      ['custom-style'] = 'NoteLabel'
    text_attrs = {
      ['custom-style'] = 'NoteText'
  warning = {
    label = 'Warning',
    label_attrs = {
      ['custom-style'] = 'NoteLabel'
    text_attrs = {
      ['custom-style'] = 'NoteText'

-- Get the pandoc library under a shorter name
local p = assert(pandoc, "Cannot find the pandoc library")
if not ('table' == type(p)) then
  error("Expected variable pandoc to be table")

-- Create the label divs
for cls, data in pairs(cls_data) do
  data.label = p.Div({
    p.Para({ p.Str(data.label) })
  }, data.label_attrs)

-- The filter function
function Div (div)
  for _, cls in ipairs(div.classes) do
    local data = cls_data[cls] -- get data if any
    if data then -- if this is an admonition class
      -- Set the attributes on the div
      for name, val in pairs(data.text_attrs) do
        div.attributes[name] = val
      -- Return the data and the div
      return { data.label:clone(), div }
  -- If no class matches
  return nil

Perfect! Note that when we use it, we had to install asciidoctor as a gem, because of the diagram stuff. The "make install" bit was shorthand for the idiot authors, not meant for wider consumption!