boostorg / fiber

userland threads

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Build script relies on third party to import Context before Fiber

Kojoley opened this issue · comments

Fiber build script uses <segmented-stacks> feature


Lines 23 to 26 in 2cb72f5

which is defined in Context library build script. It works currently by pure luck that boost-cpp.jam (main Boost build script) was unintentionally consistently importing Context before Fiber.

Possible solutions:

  1. If -fsplit-stack -DBOOST_USE_SEGMENTED_STACKS is not needed by Fiber itself -- we can just delete these lines and issue will be resolved.
  2. If -fsplit-stack -DBOOST_USE_SEGMENTED_STACKS is needed by Fiber -- we can put there in Context usage requirements and Fiber will get them automatically by using <library>/boost/context//boost_context.