boostorg / fiber

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Warning/error about unreferenced parameter in context.cpp

mojca opened this issue · comments

When building the code on Windows with MSVC 2022 with "treat warnings as errors" I'm getting the following error:

C:\build\__external\src\boost\libs\fiber\src\context.cpp(33,36): error C2220: the following warning is treated as an error [C:\build\_deps\boost-build\libs\fiber\boost_fiber.vcxproj]
C:\build\__external\src\boost\libs\fiber\src\context.cpp(33,36): warning C4100: 'c': unreferenced formal parameter [C:\build\_deps\boost-build\libs\fiber\boost_fiber.vcxproj]


Lines 33 to 39 in 3e17706

run_( boost::context::fiber && c) {
#if (defined(BOOST_USE_UCONTEXT)||defined(BOOST_USE_WINFIB))
std::move( c).resume();
// execute scheduler::dispatch()
return get_scheduler()->dispatch();

fixed, ty

Thank you very much.
Would it be possible to include this into the 1.81 release?