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C++11 compatible charconv

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`from_chars` incompatible with `std::from_chars`

akrzemi1 opened this issue · comments

The following behavior is described in from_chars for floating point types:

On std::errc::result_out_of_range we return ±0 for small values (e.g. 1.0e-99999) or ±HUGE_VAL for large values (e.g. 1.0e+99999) to match the handling of std::strtod. This is a divergence from the standard which states we should return the value argument unmodified.

This divergence from std::from_chars is unacceptable in a library that claims to be a faster replacement for the STD component. std::from_chars gives a practical guarantee: either we populated the new value as per your request, or we didn't touch your value. One can easily imagine how this strong (commit-or-rollback) error guarantee is useful. And it will silently disappear when someone replaces std::from_chars with boost::from_chars for efficiency.

ERANGE doesn't give you enough information how exactly the result was out of range (there are four possible ways), and the current behavior is more useful in practice because it's what e.g. Boost.JSON needs.

Thanks for the link.
So the current design, for huge values, tries to implement -- rather than std::from_chars -- a proposed (but not accepted) modification in issue LWG 3081.

There are two problems with it.

  1. Until this solution is adopted, which may be years, boost::from_chars will be incompatible with std::from_chars.
  2. If WG21 ultimately chooses a different solution, you will bake the incompatibility with std::from_chars forever.

Now, I understand that the JSON parser use case is that you want to treat super-small numbers as zero and super-huge values as Inf. I acknowledge that, but I would not spoil the clear interface of from_chars for that reason. By "clear" I mean:

  1. Either there was an error or not: you can tell that from ec.
  2. If there was an error, the return value tells you what it was, and value remains unchanged.

A solution acceptable by me would be to either expand from_chars_result to convey more information, or to allow the programmer to specify their expectations (such as the JSON parser use case) directly by passing dedicated function parameters.

Of course that would make the interface of boost::from_chars depart from std::from_chars. Therefore, until LWG 3081 is resolved, I would propose to do two things:

  1. Keep the contract of boost::from_chars compliant with std::from_chars.
  2. Offer another function, like from_chars_full_float_range, that still has the "clear interface" as defined above and that returns values/errors as required by the JSON parser use case.

I don't agree with your suggestion.

I think this is a valid concern.

  1. If WG21 ultimately chooses a different solution, you will bake the incompatibility with std::from_chars forever.

The intent was to go the way the committee goes: #37

Now, I understand that the JSON parser use case is that you want to treat super-small numbers as zero and super-huge values as Inf. I acknowledge that, but I would not spoil the clear interface of from_chars for that reason. By "clear" I mean:

  1. Either there was an error or not: you can tell that from ec.
  2. If there was an error, the return value tells you what it was, and value remains unchanged.

A solution acceptable by me would be to either expand from_chars_result to convey more information, or to allow the programmer to specify their expectations (such as the JSON parser use case) directly by passing dedicated function parameters.

Adding additional members to our from_chars_result leaves us in the same place in terms of incompatibility that we are now.

Of course that would make the interface of boost::from_chars depart from std::from_chars. Therefore, until LWG 3081 is resolved, I would propose to do two things:

  1. Keep the contract of boost::from_chars compliant with std::from_chars.
  2. Offer another function, like from_chars_full_float_range, that still has the "clear interface" as defined above and that returns values/errors as required by the JSON parser use case.

Would you be amenable to a macro rather than adding another function? I think keeping our current behavior as the default and then if the user defines BOOST_CHARCONV_STD_ERANGE we change the behavior to what the STL does.

The compatibility with std is a valid goal. I just note that the solution proposed in LWG 3081 is not official yet. So implementing it actually departs from the current std.

I myself do not need a macro. Just pointing out the potential discrepancy.

This is going to be re-looked, and instead add additional functions to give the standard library behavior. From @Flamefire on the ML.