bonsairobo / smooth-bevy-cameras

Bevy camera controllers with buttery, exponential smoothing.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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rivertam opened this issue · comments

It seems this hasn't been published on, which would make trying this a lot easier and less concerning (no worries this repo will update automatically and break my build). Additionally, not publishing means anyone could come in and publish a malicious package with the same name and new users will install it without checking. Please publish a release on!

(after going down a rabbit-hole for the last 8 hours, I'm guessing you're also running into this issue, so maybe it will have to wait until after bevy fixes that issue)

no worries this repo will update automatically and break my build

In practice, you can just pin to a known working revision.

But I agree this should be published. I just want to make sure to follow the official plugin guidelines before I publish.

I'm going to spend a little time running through the checklist.

The deed is done. I am planning on upgrading to bevy's main branch to use it with another project.