boltomli / MyLinScripts

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



plink -N [hostname] -D

Install dev-lang

On Ubuntu 18.04, julia and nescc are not ready to use directly.

sudo apt install -y \
                 afnix algol68g aplus-fsf aspectc++ aspectj asymptote ats2-lang \
                 bc bf bison bsdgames bsh build-essential clisp clojure cmake coffeescript \
                 dafny dc doxygen ecere-dev elixir emacs fish flex fp-compiler fsharp \
                 gap gawk gdc generator-scripting-language genius gforth gfortran \
                 ghc gnat gnu-smalltalk gnuplot gobjc golang gpt graphviz gri groff groovy guile-2.2 \
                 haxe icont intercal iverilog jasmin-sable jq ksh libgd-dev libtool-bin \
                 lisaac livescript llvm lua5.3 maxima minizinc mlton mono-mcs mono-vbnc \
                 nickle nim nodejs node-typescript ocaml octave open-cobol openjdk-8-jdk \
                 openjdk-11-jdk pakcs parser3-cgi php-cli pike8.0 r-base rakudo ratfor rc \
                 regina-rexx ruby-mustache rustc scala scilab slsh spin squirrel3 swi-prolog \
                 tcsh valac vim xsltproc yabasic yorick zoem zsh


License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Shell 100.0%