boltgolt / boltobserv

🕹️ An external CS radar made specifically for observing

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How to edit players' dot colors & XRAY colors changed?

WertyCaster opened this issue · comments


First of all, from a freelance caster's point of view, I'd like to thank you for this piece of art! I appreciate the effort 1000x times!

I use a custom HUD since a while ago and I used different colors for CT and Ts, and I would like to edit the dot colors of them on the minimap accordingly. Can you please tell me which file should I edit in order to do that?

Also, since I started using the radar, my XRAY colors changed all to red. Do you have any idea why? Anyway, would you know how to edit them?

Thanks for the kind words!

You can add CSS rules in custom.css if you want to apply custom styling. In your case you can change the background color of the T and CT dots.

The radar doesn't do anything with the game itself, there's no way it changes xray colors

Solved the issue with XRAY, not your fault, sorry!
Can you by any chance help with those lines? Unfortunately I'm a Law School graduate and have no idea in programming :(

Those are the colors:
CT: #0057fa || OR || rgba(0, 87, 250, 1)
Terrorist: #fa5700 || OR || rgba(250, 87, 0, 1)
Having this Terrorist color, the bomb carrier would have the same color like them, so the bomb carrier should also have his color changed to red.
Bomb carrier: #fa0000 || OR || rgba(250, 0, 0, 1)

I would really appreciate the help. Thanks a lot, boltgolt!

You can insert background: #0057fa; between the { } of the selectors you want to recolor, make sure you use the right color codes

Done! Thank you very much!
Just two side questions, and excuse me for asking you, but I really don't seem to find any fix anywhere.
As I changed those colors on the whole HUD and now the radar with your help, two problems remain:

  1. Killfeed colors are still the default ones.
  2. XRAY colors are still the default ones.
    3* Last edit: seems I cannot find the file where I can edit the map to have no background.. can you tell me the name please?
    Does it happen you to know how should I change those? Sorry for the bother, really.
    I really appreciate the whole help, thank you a lot!

I'm not the developer of the HUD you're using so i can't really comment on that

The file your looking for is config.json5 in the config folder