bokub / chalk-animation

:clapper: Colorful animations in terminal output

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iGetUploaded opened this issue · comments

Can you not use this with Discord v14? I keep trying and it just responds back with [object] only shows up when I have console.log in the code but when I take it out it loads up then freezes and doesn't work anymore


Does this work on Discord V14? basically what I'm asking.

This is a npm module for command-line programs, which has absolutely nothing to do with Discord.

Can you please explain your problem with the whole context (with some code samples for example)?

Okay so I'm trying to make my index,js(handler version) work with the npm package(on version 1.6 of the package btw)

This is what my index.js(hander version) looks like with out adding it to the code

This is what it looks like after adding it to the code

As you can see the very top of it its saying [object object]

Here is my index.js code

You cannot do a console.log(chalkAnimation.rainbow("Commands")), the console.log is already included in the chalkAnimation.rainbow("Commands").

However, you can render frames manually, and update your display at a fixed interval with the next frame.
Documentation here:

Also, I still don't see any link with Discord, even with your code example. How was I supposed to understand your first question ?

Update got it to work I just had to redo some of my code so it would load properly