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Joyclyn Ogbonna - Bokeh Micro Task Contribution for NYC Taxi Trip Data Visualisation.

JoyclynUjunwaOgbonna opened this issue · comments

Hi @bryevdv and @pavithraes I performed exploratory data analysis on a subset of the yellow taxi trip record October using bokeh plots such as line plot, bar plot, scatter plots. I'm excited to share these data visuals with you, it is my first attempt at creating interactive plot with Bokeh. I will appreciate your review and feedback.

You can find my jupyter notebook on

Here are some plots from my notebook:

  1. Two timeseries line sub plots: shows weekly trends in number of trips and amount generated.

Screenshot from 2023-03-22 11-57-26

  1. ** A pie chart and a vertical bar sub plots**: examines the weekly trends in terms of trip proportation and amount.
    Screenshot from 2023-03-22 11-57-31

  2. Two dot plots: showing top 10 pick up and drop off locations
    Screenshot from 2023-03-22 12-19-00

  3. A plot with multiple glyph: this shows the frquency of pick-up and drop off time in hours and indicate rush hour
    Screenshot from 2023-03-22 11-57-35

  4. ** Two histogram plots**: these show the distribution of fare amount and total amount.
    Screenshot from 2023-03-22 11-58-12

  5. A scatter plot: show relationship between fare amount and total amount
    Screenshot from 2023-03-22 11-58-16

Hi @JoyclynUjunwaOgbonna Thanks for your patience, I unfortunately ended up being quite sick all week. Thank you for this submission, the micro-task is satisfied.

Quick thoguhts: I think you show a good command of Bokeh APIs including categorical and timeseries data, as well as things like color mappers. In general I think most areas for some improvements might be around presentation e.g.

  • setting some range extents manually on histogram to avoid the compression and negative ranges there
  • correlating the location ids in the dot plots to names
  • use a single color for the bar chart (or explain what the different colors are meant to indicate)

Hi @bryevdv Sorry about your health, I wish you a quick recovery.

Thank you for taking your time to review and give your feedback. I'll will work on the presentation. Thanks.

Hi @bryevdv I made changes to the plots. I'll appreciate your feedback. Thanks.

The first plot:
Screenshot from 2023-03-30 11-07-28

The second plot:
Screenshot from 2023-03-30 11-07-11

The third plot:
Screenshot from 2023-03-30 11-07-20