bokeh / jupyter_bokeh

An extension for rendering Bokeh content in JupyterLab notebooks

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interactive plots in jupyterlab

jamestwebber opened this issue · comments

(apologies if there's a better venue for this type of question!)

I use jupyter lab for notebooks and I am exploring using bokeh for interactive plotting but had trouble getting it to work. It seems to work in a classic notebook, but something goes wrong in jupyterlab. e.g. this example works fine in the classic notebook, but in lab the selection event doesn't seem to do anything (nothing shows up in the second plot).

Similarly I can use this example from SO in a classic notebook but the selection value is not updated in a lab notebook.

I have JupyterLab v3.0.16 and @bokeh/jupyter_bokeh v3.0.2 installed. I installed in a fresh environment on OS X so things should be pretty up to date.

If there's a better place to ask these kinds of questions, happy to go there instead! Thanks

@jamestwebber All of the examples you link to are Holoviews code. Holoviews is a separate project and maintained by a different organization. I would suggest starting with an issue in the holoviews issue tracker or else a support topic in the holoviz Discourse. If the holoviz folks determine there is an issue with the actual Bokeh Jupyter extension itself, they will file an issue here with relevant details.

cc @philippjfr