bokeh / bokeh

Interactive Data Visualization in the browser, from Python

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Release build fails after PR #13901

mattpap opened this issue · comments


------ Starting task pack_deployment_tarball
+mkdir deployment-3.5.0.dev4
+cp bokehjs/bokeh-bokehjs-3.5.0-dev.4.tgz deployment-3.5.0.dev4
+cp $CONDA_PREFIX/conda-bld/noarch/bokeh-3.5.0.dev4-py_0.tar.bz2 deployment-3.5.0.dev4
+cp dist/bokeh-3.5.0.dev4.tar.gz deployment-3.5.0.dev4
+cp dist/bokeh-3.5.0.dev4-py3-none-any.whl deployment-3.5.0.dev4
+mkdir deployment-3.5.0.dev4/bokehjs
+cp -r bokehjs/build deployment-3.5.0.dev4/bokehjs
+mkdir -p deployment-3.5.0.dev4/docs/bokeh/build
+cp -r docs/bokeh/build/html deployment-3.5.0.dev4/docs/bokeh/build
+cp -r docs/bokeh/switcher.json deployment-3.5.0.dev4/docs/bokeh
[FAIL] Could NOT pack deployment tarball
    cp: cannot stat 'docs/bokeh/switcher.json': No such file or directory

cc @mosc9575

Since there were also changes to switcher.json I missed in the GH UI that the file location had also been moved. I think the file needs to be moved back, not just because of the error above, but because it does not makes sense for the switcher file to reside inside any given version of the docs. The switcher file concerns all versions of the docs, and therefore should reside outside the built docs.

I guess I would also just add: I don't actually personally care if the version switcher is broken for local docs. I think we can assume that the pydata-sphinx-theme project does their own testing to make sure it works, assuming switcher.json is configured correctly.

I will move the switcher.json back and try if ../switcher.json is a valid path in If not I revert my changes in this file.