bokeh / bokeh-notebooks

Interactive Web Plotting with Bokeh in IPython notebook

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WMTSTileSource import error

DWSimmons opened this issue · comments

Cell 2 has
from bokeh.tile_providers import WMTSTileSource which returns
ImportError: cannot import name 'WMTSTileSource

I believe the WMTSTileSource it's looking for
class WMTSTileSource(MercatorTileSource): is at

That's correct, at some point was refined to only expose pre-configured sources such as carto and stamen. A small PR to update the import would be appreciated!

This was fixed

Where was this fixed? I'm stil getting errors

ImportError: cannot import name 'get_provider' from 'bokeh.tile_providers' (unknown location)

@zarifaziz That's not the same error message as above, and respectfully, please don't ask the same thing in multiple project sites simultaneously. It creates unnecessary burden for maintainers. I answered in bokeh/bokeh#9402