bogdanfinn / tls-client

net/http.Client like HTTP Client with options to select specific client TLS Fingerprints to use for requests.

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[Bug]: Memory issues with nodejs ffi-napi

3ldar opened this issue · comments

TLS client version


System information

node:current-bullseye image
vCPUs based on AMD

Issue description

I run a node js application in a docker environment using current:bullseye image. The application creates multiple forks of itself. Every fork has one TLSClient (TLS client based on the typescript client) active and has some proxy rotation as I read in the comments every proxy change causes a new TLSClient to be created so I make sure to call destorySessionasync and destroyAllAsync before moving to a new proxy URL but the memory consumption always increases until we get out of memory.

Steps to reproduce / Code Sample

This is part of my proxy rotation and session destruction code :

        await this.proxyManager.initProxies(this.proxyPools);
        this.options = this.proxyManager.randomizeOptions(); // this generates the new sessionId
        this.options.tlsPayload = this.proxyManager.getTlsClientPayload(); // this will assign the new sessionId
        if (this.currentSession) { // as the proxy URL change destroy the previous session
            await this.tlsClient.destroySession({sessionId: this.currentSession});
        await this.tlsClient.destroyAllAsync(); // destroy everyting
        this.currentSession = this.options.sessionId; // keep the sessionId for the next destruction

hey @3ldar
what you are doing with the session / destroying the session is in general correct. The point you are missing is freeing the memory allocated for passing the data from the shared lib to your node application.

Let me try to explain:

When you call something from the DLL you receive a response (as string) which can be parsed to json in the happy path.
You might have noticed that every Response received from the DLL has a "id" property with some uuid. Even the error responses.
This Response is send from the DLL to your application as a C.CString.

// Go string to C string
// The C string is allocated in the C heap using malloc.
// It is the caller's responsibility to arrange for it to be
// freed, such as by calling (be sure to include stdlib.h
// if is needed).
func C.CString(string) *C.char 

So after you received your response you need to let the DLL know when to free the allocated memory.
Similar to the methods for destroying a session or all sessions we have a method called freeMemory() which takes just the response id as a string as parameter. See example in js:

// call the library with the requestPayload as string
const response = tlsClientLibrary.request(JSON.stringify(requestPayload));

// convert response string to json
const responseObject = JSON.parse(response)

// free the allocated memory for the response above by passing the response id to the freeMemory Call

I know it is a bit ugly but until now we do not have a better solution.

// free the allocated memory for the response above by passing the response id to the freeMemory Call

Darn, I remember I saw something similar bu I didn't pay that much attention. Thank you for your time for answering this.