boert / Z1013-mist

The robotron Z1013 port for the mist board.

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Some bugs in MIST core

orvosg opened this issue · comments


Very nice reimplementation!

But found some bugs:

  1. Certain games simply don't run (i.e. Ladder).
  2. In the menu the highlighted area disappears below the 'Autostart' funcion, but works (there's an invisible 'Reset' item). Someone mentioned earlier (perhaps Sorgelig) that only 7 rows fit to one page of the menu.
  3. Couldn't use any of the games with joystick (tried all the joy and kb. settings combinations, tested USB gamepads and retro DB9 devices as well).
  4. Some games use strange keysets to control the game, but knowing that the original machine had ABCDEF keyboard layout instead of the standard QWERTY, that's not a surprise.

Keep up the important work, I really like these Eastern European computers!


Thank's for testing!

  1. Some games need more than 16k of RAM (e.g. ladder, kings_valley, pilot, ping-pong, super_dame, voice_dice).
    I'm working on the 64k version, but first I need a 100% working DDR2-RAM controller (in VHDL). The internal FPGA block RAM is to small.
  2. After adding some config options, the reset function disappered, yes. Only seven options are shown. Thank's for pointing that out. You can also use the right button on MiST, to reset the Z1013. Which option should I drop?
  3. A joystick was nearly unobtainable to that time and very rare in east germany. So only a few programmers add joystick support to their games. The second problem: the Z1013 has no official joystick support. At least three variants for connecting a joystick to the user port exists (more details here). The programs which support joystick are often marked with '+J', '+prJ' or '(J)'. Btw, did you use the most recent core from january 2018? You can test the hardware with joystick_demo.
  4. Some games use shift keys S1...S4, which are mapped to F1...F4, but I also found games which didn't react on any key (e.g. C.FUSSGAENGER.z80).


Tested the joystick_demo, and both USB and DB9 controller worked fine with it. Found a game (hase+wolf+joy) which works as well.

But most of games are still uncontrollable with stick or gamepad...


Sorry, can't find your attached file.
If the jostick_demo is working then you joystick hardware is fine :-)
There are often diffrent program versions for keyboard and joystick.

Here is a list of tested files.
You need to set the correct mode in OSD menu.

  • programs working with joystick (practic 1/88):

  • programs working with joystick (ju+te 6/87):


I checked the games of your zip file in the emulator at the first step:
All but one did access the user port 00h (where the joystick ist connected),
ghost_hut+joyst.z80 crash directly, it seems broken.

Second step, try everything on MIST, use practic 1/88 setting (default), right DB9 jacket:

aladin(j).z80             works, select "Spielhebel" (=Joystick)
auto+joystick.z80         works
auto_laby(900)+j.z80      works
encounter+joy.z80         very boring & long intro, pong like
fighter(j).z80            works, but use cursor keys in menu
galaktika+joy.z80         works
galaxis(j).z80            works
graverobber(j).z80        works
hase+wolf+joy.z80         difficult to play, Hase is to slow
heartrunner+joy.z80       works
hindernislauf+jo.z80      enter tree numbers on start (10, 01, 01)
jumping_jack+joy.z80      works, wait for a gap, use fire to jump up
mauer+joystick.z80        slow
mazog_dt_+joyst.z80       works great
minefild(J).z80           minesweeper, press fire+direction to move
new_york+joyst.z80        works, go to top left on first game
reaktor(j).z80            works
super_ski+joyst.z80       works
tetris(j).z80             slow reaction on stick
vampir+joystick.z80       fire+up on destination end the game, is this the goal?
wall_1_2_(joy).z80        unplayable, strange direction mapping

following games did not work (yet) on MIST:

ghost_hut+joyst.z80       crash
ladder_joy.z80            to big for 16k
miami+joy.z80             crash after start screen 

You can report here, if you still have trouble, maybe we have different joystick behaviour.


You can find a 64k version of Z1013 in the Z1013.64_devel branch of this repo or a compiled core.rbf in the official repo now.
Even with this version not all programs are working: Some expect a specific version of BASIC (there exists approximatly 30 different BASIC variants...), others depend on a special monitor (=BIOS) or keyboard variant...

Have fun!