bnorm / kotlin-power-assert

Kotlin compiler plugin to enable diagrammed function calls in the Kotlin programming language

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Diagram is shown twice when using kotlin.check

rocketraman opened this issue · comments

When doing tests in commonTest we don't have access to kotlin.assert, which appears to only be available on JVM and native.

So, I tried to use check instead, which works, but shows the diagram twice:

  fun foo() {
    check("foo" == "bar") { "Failed foo=bar" }
Failed foo=bar
check("foo" == "bar") { "Failed foo=bar" }
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed foo=bar
check("foo" == "bar") { "Failed foo=bar" }

Also shows twice if the lazyMessage param is not given.

I think this may be an IDE oddity, rather than something specific to kotlin-power-assert. I think your IDE (looks like an output from IntelliJ) is showing you the message of the exception the test is failing with and then dumping the stacktrace of the exception which also includes the error message. I suspect if you remove kotlin-power-assert from your build you will observe the same behavior, just without the diagram.

I think this may be an IDE oddity, rather than something specific to kotlin-power-assert.

Yep, you're right. Weird that I've never noticed that before. Sorry for the noise!

More context if anyone else comes upon this in the future: