bnb-chain / opbnb

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

could we have a static peers list?

cryptocifer opened this issue · comments

Our opbnb nodes usually lose peers and stop syncing from the network, even though we have configured the bootnodes opbnb provides officially, the bootnodes seems not as efficient as expected - it hardly find any effective peers.

every time our nodes stop syncing, it's really hard for us to find effective peers and add them to our nodes manually, the peers that are effective atm may be offline in the future.

I think/hope opbnb should have had an official set of static peers, could you provide such a set of static peers to the community?

The opbnb version we are running:

  • op-node: v0.2.2
  • op-geth: v0.2.1

The command:

op-node \
                  --l1.trustrpc \
                  --sequencer.l1-confs=15 \
                  --verifier.l1-confs=15 \
                  --l1.http-poll-interval=3s \
                  --l1.epoch-poll-interval=45s \
                  --l1.rpc-max-batch-size=20 \
                  --network=opBNBMainnet \
                  --rpc.addr= \
                  --rpc.port=8547 \
                  --p2p.sync.req-resp \
                  --p2p.bootnodes=enr:-J24QGRN1ZLv--bzrqM-qRC-zUlCO4irVVg2bbWOvd3KEFjwLj8qCh54a1ziqic84uQz-2RLVSuNyNAbKEfrNr-STj-GAYoIQDCIgmlkgnY0gmlwhDaykUmHb3BzdGFja4PMAQCJc2VjcDI1NmsxoQJ-_5GZKjs7jaB4TILdgC8EwnwyL3Qip89wmjnyjvDDwoN0Y3CCIyuDdWRwgiMr \
                  --metrics.enabled \
                  --metrics.addr= \
                  --metrics.port=7300 \
                  --pprof.enabled \
                  --rpc.enable-admin \
                  --l1= \
                  --l2.engine-sync=true \
                  --l2.skip-sync-start-check=true \
                  --l2= \
/app/bin/geth \
                  --datadir=/var/data \
                  --http \
                  --http.vhosts=* \
                  --http.addr= \
                  --http.port=8545 \
                  --http.api=net,eth \
                  --syncmode=full \
                  --bootnodes="enr:-KO4QHs5qh_kPFcjMgqkuN9dbxXT4C5Cjad4SAheaUxveCbJQ3XdeMMDHeHilHyqisyYQAByfdhzyKAdUp2SvyzWeBqGAYvRDf80g2V0aMfGhHFtSjqAgmlkgnY0gmlwhDaykUmJc2VjcDI1NmsxoQJUevTL3hJwj21IT2GC6VaNqVQEsJFPtNtO-ld5QTNCfIRzbmFwwIN0Y3CCdl-DdWRwgnZf,enr:-KO4QKIByq-YMjs6IL2YCNZEmlo3dKWNOy4B6sdqE3gjOrXeKdNbwZZGK_JzT1epqCFs3mujjg2vO1lrZLzLy4Rl7PyGAYvRA8bEg2V0aMfGhHFtSjqAgmlkgnY0gmlwhDbjSM6Jc2VjcDI1NmsxoQNQhJ5pqCPnTbK92gEc2F98y-u1OgZVAI1Msx-UiHezY4RzbmFwwIN0Y3CCdl-DdWRwgnZf" \
                  --maxpeers=10 \
                  --networkid=204 \
                  --miner.gaslimit=150000000 \
                  --triesInMemory=32 \
                  --txpool.globalslots=10000 \
                  --txpool.globalqueue=5000 \
                  --cache=1024 \
                  --cache.preimages \
                  --allow-insecure-unlock \
                  --gcmode=archive \
                  --metrics \
                  --metrics.port=6060 \
                  --metrics.addr= \
                  --allow-insecure-unlock \
                  --authrpc.addr= \
                  --authrpc.port=8551 \
                  --authrpc.vhosts=* \
                  --authrpc.jwtsecret=/var/data/jwt.txt \
                  --rollup.sequencerhttp= \
                  --txlookuplimit=0 \

op-geth logs:

WARN [12-28|09:47:19.412] Beacon chain gapped                      head=12,003,114 newHead=12,003,116
WARN [12-28|09:47:19.423] Ignoring payload with missing parent     number=12,003,115 hash=0a355c..9bb9e8 parent=14d929..e58aca
INFO [12-28|09:47:19.424] Forkchoice requested sync to new head    number=12,003,115 hash=0a355c..9bb9e8 finalized=unknown
WARN [12-28|09:47:19.424] Beacon chain reorged                     tail=12,003,116 head=12,003,116 newHead=12,003,115
WARN [12-28|09:47:26.907] Ignoring payload with missing parent     number=12,003,123 hash=e73a92..c170ce parent=d870a4..a2e57a
INFO [12-28|09:47:26.907] Forkchoice requested sync to new head    number=12,003,123 hash=e73a92..c170ce finalized=unknown

op-node logs

t=2023-12-29T03:56:11+0000 lvl=info msg="Advancing bq origin"                    origin=0xa32d4369600de0f4a06b36629d2ee80f54bb0e2c169d40e42d84e497ce5865db:34437123 originBehind=true
t=2023-12-29T03:56:12+0000 lvl=info msg="attempting connection"                  peer=16Uiu2HAm3yRNmpzfLu1MFCYqMKvA6fRXLATo16k4XDg9yfV3FsQu
t=2023-12-29T03:56:12+0000 lvl=info msg="connected to peer"                      peer=16Uiu2HAm3yRNmpzfLu1MFCYqMKvA6fRXLATo16k4XDg9yfV3FsQu addr=/ip4/ peerCount=1
t=2023-12-29T03:56:12+0000 lvl=info msg="Starting P2P sync client event loop"    peer=16Uiu2HAm3yRNmpzfLu1MFCYqMKvA6fRXLATo16k4XDg9yfV3FsQu
t=2023-12-29T03:56:21+0000 lvl=warn msg="failed to notify engine driver of L1 head change" err="context deadline exceeded"
t=2023-12-29T03:56:31+0000 lvl=warn msg="failed to notify engine driver of L1 head change" err="context deadline exceeded"
t=2023-12-29T03:56:41+0000 lvl=warn msg="failed to notify engine driver of new L2 payload" err="context deadline exceeded" id=0x904a2be7448c08b7db60ad7a528dce5b7dbde65ccb6704bb5a954bc754239adc:12068201
t=2023-12-29T03:56:41+0000 lvl=info msg="Received signed execution payload from p2p" id=0x3c0858f602e231d9a8471c10d34f2ef68c018a5d8cc67fe04d086ec9dc52c7bc:12068203 peer=16Uiu2HAm3yRNmpzfLu1MFCYqMKvA6fRXLATo16k4XDg9yfV3FsQu
t=2023-12-29T03:56:41+0000 lvl=warn msg="failed to notify engine driver of L1 head change" err="context deadline exceeded"
t=2023-12-29T03:56:51+0000 lvl=warn msg="failed to notify engine driver of L1 head change" err="context deadline exceeded"
t=2023-12-29T03:57:01+0000 lvl=warn msg="failed to notify engine driver of L1 head change" err="context deadline exceeded"
t=2023-12-29T03:57:08+0000 lvl=info msg="disconnected from peer"                 peer=16Uiu2HAm3yRNmpzfLu1MFCYqMKvA6fRXLATo16k4XDg9yfV3FsQu addr=/ip4/ peerCount=0
t=2023-12-29T03:57:11+0000 lvl=warn msg="failed to notify engine driver of new L2 payload" err="context deadline exceeded" id=0x3c0858f602e231d9a8471c10d34f2ef68c018a5d8cc67fe04d086ec9dc52c7bc:12068203
t=2023-12-29T03:57:11+0000 lvl=info msg="Received signed execution payload from p2p" id=0xaafdddb903c2799846630ce2e484e4e140d9a4a99c5885177dfb194e463c5d2a:12068204 peer=16Uiu2HAm3yRNmpzfLu1MFCYqMKvA6fRXLATo16k4XDg9yfV3FsQu
t=2023-12-29T03:57:11+0000 lvl=warn msg="failed to notify engine driver of L1 head change" err="context deadline exceeded"

Hi there, Can you provide more logs too please to take a look? And also Can you try using v0.2.3 for op-node once and see if it helps out.

Also, What's your hardware specs? Minimal requirements for this is: though.

Hi @deepcrazy. I have the same issue. I did the update to v.0.2.3 but it didn't help.

Hi @m-e-m-f-i-s-19, Can you provide more logs too please to take a look? Does your system fulfill min. hardware specs:

@deepcrazy updated the op-node log in above, basically op-node works well, just seems op-geth reporting Ignoring payload with missing parent

Hi @deepcrazy as far as I can see system fulfills min specs: 16 cpu, 128 gb ram, 4tb nvme.
Do you need some specific logs? Here is what op-geth is printing:

Screenshot 2023-12-29 at 11 19 07

Hi @cryptocifer @m-e-m-f-i-s-19 @deepcrazy , we've updated our bootnodes and it can return more op-geth peers including some static peers. More than 9 geth peers from different regions would be added as expected, you don't need to change your configs, just keep the same. Pls try it again and sorry for the inconvenience...

And what bootnodes should we use:



I'm still facing that issue:
Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 14 17 17

@m-e-m-f-i-s-19 The ENR you used are op-node bootnode, pls use the ENR address below for op-geth config and try again(you can also find it in official doc )

@krish-nr our node works very well from yesterday till now thank you! 🚀 👍

@krish-nr thank you. I was using the correct bootnodes, sorry for confusion. I can confirm that after some time, node started working well and so far node is working, thank you again!