bnb-chain / node

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

hardfork mainnet to 0.10.14 - error on replay

tmeinlschmidt opened this issue · comments


unfortunately did the upgrade today, getting

ERROR: error during handshake: error on replay: Wrong Block.Header.AppHash.  Expected 083A426C37B5A5410E9F62148BE6397FA4381271903232AF5301351444DB64E0, got 6F21744580A9E0BF3B2ABB8DA3E899A20F74EB11FD142CED71F6897F7078DBF4

I[2023-06-15|08:39:48.457] get last breathe block height                module=main height=321153415
I[2023-06-15|08:39:48.457] reload latest snapshot                       module=statesync height=321153415
I[2023-06-15|08:39:52.978] ABCI Handshake App Info                      module=consensus height=321213000 hash=083A426C37B5A5410E9F62148BE6397FA4381271903232AF5301351444DB64E0 software-version= protocol-version=0
I[2023-06-15|08:39:52.978] ABCI Replay Blocks                           module=consensus appHeight=321213000 storeHeight=321213001 stateHeight=321213000
I[2023-06-15|08:39:52.978] Replay last block using real app             module=consensus 
I[2023-06-15|08:40:29.559] Starting ABCI with Tendermint                module=main 

is ther any way how to fix that w/o syncing from the scratch? Thanks


My nodes are showing the same error:

ERROR: error during handshake: error on replay: Wrong Block.Header.AppHash. Expected 083A426C37B5A5410E9F62148BE6397FA4381271903232AF5301351444DB64E0, got 6F21744580A9E0BF3B2ABB8DA3E899A20F74EB11FD142CED71F6897F7078DBF4

Hi there, Can you share some more logs also?

Also, Have you downloaded the new config and app.toml files using this: ?
If so, and if you first stopped the bnbchainid process and then restarted it, then still it shows this error? If so, Please share more logs and will check with team internally then.

Yes. I have the latest config and app.toml files.

2023-06-15 19:12:29 | ERROR: error during handshake: error on replay: Wrong Block.Header.AppHash.  Expected 083A426C37B5A5410E9F62148BE6397FA4381271903232AF5301351444DB64E0, got 6F21744580A9E0BF3B2ABB8DA3E899A20F74EB11FD142CED71F6897F7078DBF4 |  
-- | -- | --
  |   | 2023-06-15 19:12:29 | I[2023-06-15\|22:12:29.877] Replay last block using real app             module=consensus |  
  |   | 2023-06-15 19:12:29 | I[2023-06-15\|22:12:29.877] ABCI Replay Blocks                           module=consensus appHeight=321213000 storeHeight=321213001 stateHeight=321213000 |  
  |   | 2023-06-15 19:12:29 | I[2023-06-15\|22:12:29.877] ABCI Handshake App Info                      module=consensus height=321213000 hash=083A426C37B5A5410E9F62148BE6397FA4381271903232AF5301351444DB64E0 software-version= protocol-version=0 |  
  |   | 2023-06-15 19:12:29 | I[2023-06-15\|22:12:29.745] reload latest snapshot                       module=statesync height=321153415 |  
  |   | 2023-06-15 19:12:29 | I[2023-06-15\|22:12:29.745] get last breathe block height                module=main height=321153415 |  
  |   | 2023-06-15 19:12:29 | I[2023-06-15\|22:12:29.745] Loaded breathe block height                  module=dexkeeper height=321153415 |  
  |   | 2023-06-15 19:12:29 | I[2023-06-15\|22:12:29.745] Located day to load breathe block height     module=dexkeeper epochDay="CL\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000" |  
  |   | 2023-06-15 19:12:29 | I[2023-06-15\|22:12:29.095] No order comes in for the block              module=dexkeeper |  
  |   | 2023-06-15 19:12:29 | I[2023-06-15\|22:12:29.095] replayed all tx. Starting match              module=dex height=321213000 |  
  |   | 2023-06-15 19:12:29 | I[2023-06-15\|22:12:29.095] Relaying block for order book                module=dex height=321213000 |  
  |   | 2023-06-15 19:12:29 | I[2023-06-15\|22:12:29.094] No order comes in for the block              module=dexkeeper |  
  |   | 2023-06-15 19:12:29 | I[2023-06-15\|22:12:29.094] replayed all tx. Starting match              module=dex height=321212999 |  
  |   | 2023-06-15 19:12:29 | I[2023-06-15\|22:12:29.094] Relaying block for order book                module=dex height=321212999 |  
  |   | 2023-06-15 19:12:29 | I[2023-06-15\|22:12:29.094] No order comes in for the block              module=dexkeeper |  
  |   | 2023-06-15 19:12:29 | I[2023-06-15\|22:12:29.094] replayed all tx. Starting match              module=dex height=321212998 |  
  |   | 2023-06-15 19:12:29 | I[2023-06-15\|22:12:29.094] Relaying block for order book                module=dex height=321212998 |  
  |   | 2023-06-15 19:12:29 | I[2023-06-15\|22:12:29.094] No order comes in for the block              module=dexkeeper

I'm on the same as @nmiceli-simtlix - updated app.toml, the only diff we do have in config.json is that we have

state_sync_height = 0

tried the method with state_recovery as mentioned in docs, ended up with this

# state_recover 321212999 ./
recover home_path[./] to height[321212999]
This is not a validator node, no need to reset priv_validator filerecover success
I[2023-06-16|08:36:54.678] Located day to load breathe block height     module=dexkeeper epochDay="CL\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000"
I[2023-06-16|08:36:54.678] Loaded breathe block height                  module=dexkeeper height=321153415
I[2023-06-16|08:36:54.678] get last breathe block height                module=main height=321153415
I[2023-06-16|08:36:54.679] reload latest snapshot                       module=statesync height=321153415
I[2023-06-16|08:36:58.982] ABCI Handshake App Info                      module=consensus height=321213000 hash=083A426C37B5A5410E9F62148BE6397FA4381271903232AF5301351444DB64E0 software-version= protocol-version=0
I[2023-06-16|08:36:58.982] ABCI Replay Blocks                           module=consensus appHeight=321213000 storeHeight=321213001 stateHeight=321213000
I[2023-06-16|08:36:58.982] Replay last block using real app             module=consensus 


ERROR: error during handshake: error on replay: Wrong Block.Header.AppHash.  Expected 083A426C37B5A5410E9F62148BE6397FA4381271903232AF5301351444DB64E0, got 6F21744580A9E0BF3B2ABB8DA3E899A20F74EB11FD142CED71F6897F7078DBF4


Hey guys,

I faced the exact error
Is there any way to fix this issue?

ERROR: error during handshake: error on replay: Wrong Block.Header.AppHash. Expected 083A426C37B5A5410E9F62148BE6397FA4381271903232AF5301351444DB64E0, got 6F21744580A9E0BF3B2ABB8DA3E899A20F74EB11FD142CED71F6897F7078DBF4

I[2023-06-17|13:06:43.865] ABCI Replay Blocks module=consensus appHeight=321213000 storeHeight=321213001 stateHeight=321213000 I[2023-06-17|13:06:43.865] Replay last block using real app module=consensus


Please check this release:, there is a hardfork few days ago.

You will need update both the app.toml and the binary.

The app.toml add a new configure:

#Block height of BEP126 upgrade
BEP126Height = 321213000

How to recover?

  1. Download the tool state-recover from release for fixing the upgrade issue
  2. Backup your home directory
  3. Since the height of the upgrade is set to be 321,213,000, you can run the following command to recover the state to just one block before the upgrade, which is 321,212,999:
./state_recover 321212999 <your_home_path> 

restart with the version v0.10.14 of bnbchaind

@guagualvcha for sure, this issue is about THIS version. Did you read the actual issue? I did exactly the same as you supposed, posted about it, tried that once again now and the result is still the same. Even I tried this

# linux/state_recover 321153414 /data/bnb-mainnet/
recover home_path[/data/bnb-mainnet/] to height[321153414]
This is not a validator node, no need to reset priv_validator filerecover success

the result was all the same.

Any updates on this issue?

as there's no progress, I managed to fix the node by reverting back to beginning of May (using zfs snapshots we do) and let it sync since then. Took a while, but works now

@tmeinlschmidt you have your own snapshots or did you use public snapshots?