bnb-chain / node

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

can't bring bnbchaind back when delist and have the order in previous snapshort

unclezoro opened this issue · comments


in LoadOrderBookSnapshot function, allpairs comes from:

allPairs := kp.PairMapper.ListAllTradingPairs(ctx)

we get the latest trading pair which do not contains the delisted trading pair,
but in the following logical, the trading pair may exist in ao.Orders, and will cause panic

	for _, m := range ao.Orders {
		orderHolder := m
		if kp.allOrders[m.Symbol] ==nil{
		kp.allOrders[m.Symbol][m.Id] = &orderHolder
		if m.CreatedHeight == height {
			kp.roundOrders[m.Symbol] = append(kp.roundOrders[m.Symbol], m.Id)
			if m.TimeInForce == TimeInForce.IOC {
				kp.roundIOCOrders[m.Symbol] = append(kp.roundIOCOrders[m.Symbol], m.Id)
		if kp.CollectOrderInfoForPublish {
			if _, exists := kp.OrderInfosForPub[m.Id]; !exists {
				bnclog.Debug("add order to order changes map, during load snapshot, from active orders", "orderId", m.Id)
				kp.OrderInfosForPub[m.Id] = &orderHolder

Because delist happens in breath block, I think this is not an issue anymore, @yutianwu please have a double check, then we can close this issue.

We delist trading pair first and then we snapshot order book, so it would be fine