bmx666 / android-appcachecleaner

Android Cache Cleaner

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

clear cache process unexpectedly stops

bmx666 opened this issue · comments

If select multiple apps, sometimes process stops and doesn't continue to clean other apps.

Related commit from issue #6

Conclusions after investigation on several devices and Android versions:

  • Accessibility service in Android sometimes works strangely, only reboot helps to solve the problem
  • some system applications do not support AppInfo, and it cause crash in Settings App
  • usually opening 100+ AppInfo at such high speed can cause problems in Android System UI
  • sometimes Settings app get intent where package name is null, but app send a string
  • some old phones where flash/emmc/ufs/storage has bad performance or degradation, Android has no chance to get cache size in AppInfo during 30s limit and it's automatically stopped UI. Every new open AppInfo just increase delay more and more, until it reach some specific limit and then Android cause to force stop Settings App, sometimes it then can cause Android reboot.

These problems cannot be fixed, only undefined behavior in the app can be prevented. Since app version 0.1.0 in all these cases an interrupt will be triggered.