bmwcarit / MoCOCrW

(mo)dern (c)++ (o)penssl (cr)ypto (w)rapper library

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ECIES encryption algorithm parameters

dima91 opened this issue · comments


I have to use ECIES encyrption scheme to implement this communications scheme, but for me is hard to understand which parameters I must use in ECIESCtxBuilder class to create ECIESEncryptionCtx and ECIESDecryptionCtx classes.
Can you help me?

You will have to implement some additional features that we do not provide in this library to implement this scheme:

  1. We do not currently implement AES-CCM (see
  2. You need to implement the mococrw::KeyDerivationFunction (see src/mococrw/kdf.h) interface for SHA256(S || counter)
  3. You need to implement SymmetricCipherI (see for E(m, k) = m ⊕ k.

Once you have those, you should be able to implement this algorithm using our abstraction by using

  .setSymmetricCipherFactoryFunction([](const std::vector<uint8_t> &key) -> std::unique_ptr<XORCipher> {
    return XORCipherBuilder().setKey(key).buildEncryptor(); // or buildDecryptor(), but that'll be the same for XOR anyway