bmshema / trafficThief

A post-exploitation utility to stream traffic and SSL/TLS keys to Wireshark from a remote host.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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GitHub tag (latest by date)


A post-exploitation utility to stream traffic and SSL/TLS keys to Wireshark from a remote host.


trafficThief enables SSL/TLS keylogging on a remote host and feeds the keylog along with packet capture data back to you locally for viewing decrypted traffic in Wireshark in real-time.

Depending on your access to the target machine, trafficThief can interact with the target machine over ssh and feed the data back to you or craft a payload to transfer to the target machine to execute. trafficThief will set up a HTTP server in a payloads directory for payload transfer.


  • python 3.6+
  • sshpass
  • Wireshark
sudo apt install sshpass wireshark
  • Riposte
cd trafficThief
pip install -r requirements.txt


sudo python3

Module Status:

  • Only the two linux modules are finished at this time. They should work on any Debian-based linux target. Probably others.
  • Windows modules are in progress.


You are fully responsibility for your actions related to trafficThief's use. This is proof of concept code and is still under development and may or may not be useful.


A post-exploitation utility to stream traffic and SSL/TLS keys to Wireshark from a remote host.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%