bmoscon / cryptostore

A scalable storage service for cryptocurrency data

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Anybody who can maintain an all supported config template file?

walter211 opened this issue · comments

I am trying to deploy other exchange by using cryptostore, confuse about the config.

Hope someone can miantain a cryptostore supported config for all these exchange

Every exchange, every symbol, every data channel is unlikely to work on the average user's setup, so its not something I want to have in the codebase. People will see it, try it, and assume because its provided it should work, when it will likely not

I would be happy to help doing this but I would like to know a few things first

  1. The list of symbols from whatever examples I have seen is hardcoded. How would you add a new pair to it tomorrow when some exchange adds a new pair. How do you manage this? One way I can think of is monitor the list of symbols for each exchange continuously from another library such as ccxt, write those to a file, whenever a change is detected in that file, stop all streams and start them again, is there another way?
  2. Some exchanges have a limit like you can get only X pairs per connection, does the library automatically manage this or does it have to be done manually?
  3. How do you determine if you are overdoing it on a single instance? Let us say you were planning to run this on AWS? What would you do? Get a t3.micro for each exchange? How do you measure if you are underdoing it or overdoing it? CPU usage? If you are storing the tradebooks as it is on redis stream or redis backend, does it not count as an IO operation for the most part?
  4. Would it be reasonable to say that a single t3 instance can handle all tickers from all exchanges?
  5. But you might need a few instances to manage ohlc from all exchanges and trade data would have to come in one instance per exchange or something? Could even get one of those 16 cpu 128 gb ram machines if that helps on AWS
  6. I am planning to build a trading terminal of sorts open to users hence my questions