blynkkk / blynk_Issues

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ROLE Staff problem change to admin

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Hi I have entered as a staff role, unfortunately I can no longer return to the admin role,
even if I enter admin again, a message is displayed indicating that the change in admin has occurred but in reality it doesn't change.

Message :
"Account data has been successfully updated"


@Zanzaux please provide your email I can fix that manually. Could you please provide the steps? As we fixed that recently.

@Zanzaux fixed. Steps still would be nice to have.

Thanks, if you want I can try if it happens also by setting the invitation user role of the screenshots of each step.

User role setting is not done, here are the steps taken.

Even setting staff again, the role is not changed and remains "admin"

I managed to change the role from "settings" unfortunately I can't go back to admin ...


@Zanzaux you need to refresh the browser cache. This issue was fixed. The field is disabled:

screenshot-fra blynk-qa com-2021 07 22-18_56_49

@Zanzaux returned admin role one more time.

Unfortunately I was stuck in the staff, I also deleted the cache but nothing to do ...

I changed it. Or you have another acc?