bluzi / jsonstore

:rocket: jsonstore offers a free and secured JSON-based cloud datastore for small projects | Inactive

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[Question] Is there any quota or limitation on how much data i can store?

bauripalash opened this issue · comments

I'm wondering if there's any limitations on data storage, such as how much data can i Store or how frequently i can send requests?

There are no rate limits or storage limitations.
However, we do get alerts if something unusual happens, so if someone is trying to attack us we will know and we will block the attack.

Also, jsonstore is meant to be used in small projects, so if you'll use it, let's say, as a logging solution for your enterprise B2C product, we will contact you and kindly ask you to stop.

Other than that, do what you want.

(BTW we do have users that send large amounts of data, and so far we're handling it with no problem. We have 100% uptime at the moment)

I'm thinking of implementing an open source , encrypted limited character messaging system, like the classic letter system.

Go ahead

Thank You.
I'll soon send you the production link , after i complete my work.


I've reached the working alpha stage. Here's the repo link

And Here's the web app link,

Looking good, congrats!