bluz71 / vim-moonfly-colors

A dark charcoal theme for modern Neovim & classic Vim

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`DiagnosticError`: make background transparent

krshrimali opened this issue · comments

Hi, @bluz71 - Thank you for your work on this. Honestly, it's the only dark theme out there that I really liked. I was trying to tweak it a bit to make the background black, and change the errors from dark red to light red (dark red's visibility is a bit poor). Also, for the LSP Diagnostic Errors floating window, I want to make it transparent.

If I run this command after opening neovim: :highlight DiagnosticError ctermfg=1 guifg=#ffcccb guibg=black, it works (please see the second image below). However, if I add the same command in colors/moonfly.vim file, it doesn't change the color.

I understand it may not be something that everyone wants, hence I wanted to make this edit in the fork and use it for my work. Can you help with what might be going wrong here?

How it is right now:


How I want it to look like:


Sorry, I realized it was about NormalFloat and not these highlights. Thanks!